You are here: 3. Creditors Ledger > 3.6. REPORTS Menu > 3.6.4. Reports - Payment Analysis

Reports - Payment Analysis

The Creditors Payment Due Analysis report can be produced at any time to show your company's current liabilities for one or a range of creditors. You can produce a report showing all invoices due for payment according to your creditor payment terms and date of invoice:


Micronet displays the Select Report screen.

  1. Select a format for the report then select Ok.

Micronet displays a User Defined Questions screen.

  1. Enter the starting and ending creditor numbers for your report, or leave these fields blank to include all creditors.
  2. Select the Ok button.

Micronet displays the Select Output Device screen.

  1. Select whether you want the report displayed on screen, printed, saved to a specific type of file, faxed, or emailed in a specific format.



For more details on these options, refer to "Selecting the Output for Inquiries and Reports".

If Micronet is setup for multi currency creditors, the Select Exchange Rate screen is displayed.


Technical Tip

This screen is only displayed if the Multi-Currency Creditors field on the MCL General Configuration screen is set to Yes (refer to "Edit - Applications - MCL - General").

  1. Complete the following fields:





All or Due Invoices

Select whether you want to print all invoices, or only due invoices.


Pay Up To Date

Enter the date due on invoices to pay.


Date For Discounts to be Calculated to

Enter the payment date the settlement discount should be calculated from.


Currency To Print in

Enter or select a currency if required.

  1. Select Ok to continue.

Micronet prints or displays the Creditors Payment Due Analysis report in the selected report layout.